Being Berrak

  • 18 Years in the Making

    On December 18, 1995, my plane landed at Dulles International Airport in Virginia. The very first thing I remember is looking up and seeing 4:43 PM. That’s my first memory of being an…

  • Just A Spoonful of Nutella

    I can’t even tell you how many times I logged into my blog, re-read my old posts, looked at the drafts and then just closed the tab. Because life has been overwhelming, both…

  • On Turning 28

    Somewhere along the way, I got the writer’s block of a lifetime when it comes to my emotions. I used to be really good at reflecting, figuring out what makes me tick, and…

  • On Turning 27

    My birthday kind of sneaked up on me this year. Last year, I crowd-sourced my birthday blog. 26 has been kind of a crazy year for me with a lot of ups and…