Being Berrak

  • Current Status

    (Warning: This is a stream of consciousness post, also known as word vomit.) I’ve talked about how I am always aware of how I feel and if I can’t figure out the root…

  • I’m Needy. So Are You. And That’s OK.

    “I’m needy. You know this.” This is something I tell my friends often. When I meet new people, I warn them about my neediness, because I know it’ll come up. My friends know…

  • 2014 – The Year of the Penguin

    That’s what I named my album for 2014 on Facebook. I had no idea what my year or life would be like. I certainly didn’t expect my life to look like what it…

  • My Body Image Epiphany

    Whenever my mom and I talk on the phone, she always asks me the same question: “Have you lost weight?” The answer is always the same: “I’m working on it, Mom.” As a…

  • Leap of Faith

    With shaky hands, I unfolded the two pieces of paper that had been taped to my door. I already knew what they would say but I didn’t expect the timeline to be accelerated.…

  • The Memory Keeper’s Burden

    Friends passing the volleyball around in the sun. Families having picnics, as the kids run around chasing bubbles. A friendly baseball game between families. Daisies peeking out in the sunshine. One of the…

  • On Turning 29

    A year ago, on my birthday, I was alone. My birthday was on a Monday and I was hoping that some of my friends would still want to come out and say hi,…

  • How I Want to Remember My 2013

    I wasn’t going to write a wrap-up blog. I mean, I certainly won’t write a blog about resolutions, but guys, 2013 was a big year for me. But I don’t want to remember…